Have you ever wondered what health risks a woman has?

Most women are aware and worried about breast and ovarian cancer. But, this is not the only one, in fact the statistics show that women are at higher risk of heart diseases than breast cancer.

The good news is; a healthy lifestyle and intelligent eating habits can cut off women’s health risks and be a solution for life.

Despite a lot of awareness campaigns, many women are still unaware of self-exams for breast diseases. They do not know the ways to treat breast pain and what they should do in case they find a breast lump. 

Whereas, the world is transforming and so are thinking patterns for women. All over the world, the new concern seems to be about cosmetic surgery and prosthetics. With every age, a woman’s health concerns vary. They are always curious to know the fast and long-term solutions to belly fat or Kegel exercises that are necessary.

You must also have some questions. Find the answers with us here.

Breast Cancer or Health Awareness

Women are at high risk of developing breast cancer. Because every month the hormonal cycle increases the risk of developing cancer cells and the probability increases.

In this scenario, a self-exam may help in the pre-diagnosis of the disease. It can tell you when you should get worried and need to see a doctor.

If you have a lump around the nipple area or in the armpit, facing nipple discharge and change in its shape then these can be an indicative symptom of breast cancer. Clinical exams, tests, breast ultrasound, and mammography may help diagnose it easily.

In another case, if you are healthy and thinking to get a breast augmentation; you must forecast the risks and consider your candidacy for the procedure.

The Biological Life

The female’s life is considered to be started with its puberty age (after first menstruation) and extended till menopause.

Menstruation and Menopause:

In the human female body ovaries are the reproductive part. It releases an egg every month to be mature for fertilization. If it is not fertilized then it is shed out of the body along with the uterus lining endometrium. 

The process is very complicated and involves several hormones. These hormones may introduce mood swings, weight transitions, and hot flashes every month. Many of the women face period cramps as part of this cycle. It continues till you reach the age where the ovary slows and even stops producing any eggs. That is marked as menopause.

Changes in lifestyles and eating can avoid the risks and help to tell you when to consult a doctor.

Pregnancy Issues, Risks, and Procedures

Getting pregnant might be thought easy. For a well aware woman you know it comes up with many concerns and risks that may be life-threatening.

Here, all the questions will be answered from when and how to get pregnant to their post procedures and risks.

When can a woman be pregnant?

As a female body starts menstruating it is fertile to reproduce. But the age and health conditions are not enough for a girl of 12 or 13 years old. Though it is not impossible.

In many cases where a girl is pregnant, there are many mental stresses involved. That is why you are suggested to be pregnant when you can be decisive of events and the procedure.

Harder than tooth enamel – resisting wear and stains for many years. When firmly bonded to a sturdy substructure, such as a tooth, it becomes very strong and durable. Veneers can be used to correct stains, discoloured, worn, chipped or cracked, and misaligned teeth.

How to get pregnant?

As we declared previously; a human female body releases an egg every month for fertilization. Which eventually destroys if not fertilized with the sperm. To get pregnant an egg must be fused with the sperm. 

As doctors suggest that the time when an egg is released is the most fertile period of a month. Your chances of getting pregnant are much higher after 7-10 days after your period’s end.

How do you know if you are pregnant?

Many of the females find it out when they miss their period. Your pregnancy can be detected with home tests. The female human body produces HCG that can be detected with the strips and small instruments that are available over the counter. This HCG is released after an egg attaches to the uterine wall.  

When to take the pregnancy test?

Taking the test too early can mislead you with the results. A woman’s body is the most complex machine in the world. It also resonates with hormones and other conditions with the environment inside and out.

A pregnancy test should be taken after a week when you have missed a period. By then there will be a considerate amount of pregnancy hormones running into your blood or urine.

Pregnancy Guidelines:

Once you are sure of your pregnancy test and know that you are pregnant, you need to fix an appointment with a medical health practitioner.

Though the procedure is not new the risks of complication are always there with the pregnancy cycle.

Make regular appointments with the doctor. Run through ultrasound and other lab tests to monitor the health of your fetus (baby) and yourself.

The intake of a balanced and proper diet is a must. Include iron, proteins, and vitamins in greater amounts to ensure the health and growth of the fetus.

The whole gestation (pregnancy period) varies from 34- 36 weeks. In some other cases, it is deemed to be variable, and very few times it is safe.

Post Pregnancy Risks

Countries all over the world do not have the same hygiene and sanitary conditions for women. That is why many women face infections, illnesses, and life-threatening conditions for their newborns and themselves.

In case always choose the clean and hygienic premises and go for the procedure with the reputed medical health practitioner.

Remember your health is not everyone’s business but for you.

Whereas, there is mental stress and pressure termed postpartum depression that causes difficulty in managing life after giving birth.

Therefore, you should be more careful and concerned about hygiene, cleanliness, and your doctor’s guidelines during pregnancy.

Can you conceive after menopause?

 So the answer is Yes. With the modern fertilization method, a woman can conceive if she has stopped menstruating. It is possible with the donor’s egg. The procedure involves a lot of tests, examinations, and arrangements for the donor. But still, the good news is that you can still conceive.

In the procedure, you take the donor’s egg (it carries the donor’s DNA) that is fertilized with the partner’s sperm using in-vitro fertilization. That is then transferred to the uterus for implantation to the uterus walls. If all goes well you can conceive and continue the process as natural.

The Ultrasound and Procedures in Pregnancy:

 Ultrasound or sonography are imaging methods; that , with the help of high-frequency sound waves, enable us to see the structures inside the body. The tests are carried out with ultrasound machines.

These are diagnostic tests methods that help to pre-diagnosis of diseases and deformities of the fetus before birth.

Ultrasounds are Reliable and Approve Method for Diagnosis

Ultrasound technology is the most relied upon by doctors among the world’s leading countries. It is not only used for pregnancy monitoring but other illnesses and diseases diagnosis.

But here we will tell you why you should go for regular ultrasonic examinations

You can easily see the fetus, ovary, and uterus development.

A fetus’s health, growth, and structures are seen and can be noted.

It can help to diagnose if there is any life- threatening risks to continuing the pregnancy

Most of all it is helpful to know the age of the fetus and in estimating the time of the birth.

The test is medically approved for all and is pretty much accurate with ever-evolving advancements in technology.

Is Ultrasound Safe?

Ultrasounds are safe and there are no known risks to them till time. As they use low-frequency waves and you are not exposed to radiations like other CT Scans, X-Rays, or other such bombardment tests.

But some guidelines should be followed to avoid disturbance and distractions during the tests.

  • Doctors may advise avoiding wearing jewelry and other metals as the machines may be distracted with them.
  • Sometimes it is advised to stop eating and drinking for a specified period before tests. You must follow this in case of gall bladder examination ultrasound.
  • For pelvic ultrasounds in pregnancy, you can be advised to have a full bladder so that your organs are imaged under ultrasound.
  • Children and people of other ages may be asked to come up with different preparations according to the procedure and illness.

In general, you are advised not to wear jewelry, piercings and to wear loose clothes so it is easy to run the process.

What is the process?

After all the preparations, you have to lie down on the examination bed and relax.

There is a chemically formulated gel applied to the part that is to be examined. It does not harm your skin and is completely safe. The prime purpose of this is to increase the visibility of the imaging.

Once you lie down, relax, and apply the gel; a technician or sonographer carries out the further procedure.

It revolves around a hand-held, tap-like device, transducer all over the area. It is not sharp and acts like a camera that provides images to the monitor attached to it. 

With the device, you can see the inside structures. The technician or doctor captures images and calculations that are necessary for the diagnosis.

These images with calculations will be provided to you with the diagnosis.

The procedure is simple and does not require any slits or cuts through your body. You can easily walk out wiping the gel off your body. And there are no guidelines to follow after the test. It is safe, simple, and has no after-effects.

But in some cases, an ultrasound is done inside the body.

  • Transesophageal echocardiogram. A transducer, inserted into your esophagus for imaging the heart and other parts. It’s usually done while you are under sedation and does cause you pain
  • Transrectal ultrasound. This test creates images of the prostate glands through a transducer into the rectum.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound. A special transducer is gently inserted into the vagina to get a quick look at the uterus and ovaries.

This is also a painless process and takes about 30 minutes to an hour to be completed.

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High Vaginal Swabs

When you see abnormal discharge or discomfort in the vagina than to go for complex lab examinations you can go for a High Vaginal Swabs test.

A very common and easy process to examine inside the vagina for bacterial and other infections. The process is simple and painless.Women’s health concerns are a big debate in society and there are many endeavors done by the WHO and countries individually.

Personal hygiene and care can save you from bigger health issues. However, the changes in lifestyles and adapting advanced procedures are also the fast and effective ways to have early diagnosis and treatments.

Antenatal Check Up

Starts at Urine pregnancy test , confirmation of pregnancy, follow up and referral and finally Ultrasonography

Breast Examination

Breast Examination 

Pap Smear Test

Pap Smear Test

High Vaginal Swab

High Vaginal Swab

Some Adices


How would you take a high vaginal swab test?

  • Eliminate the testing swab from the cylinder.
  • With the speculum in situ, pass the tip of the swab through the speculum to the back fornix of the vagina.
  • Pivot the swab for 10-15 seconds in the back fornix guaranteeing you swab any release present.
  • The procedure is carried out in good light conditions and by a certified practitioner in obstetrics. It is done with the care of avoiding contaminating the swab with the outer surfaces of genitals or other objects.

Prepare for a long and healthy life.